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100 results for 'Lifestyle'


    • Lily Raman

      Lichen planus

      Lichen planus is a medical skin condition that leads to swelling and irritation in the skin, hair, nails, and mucous membranes. Lichen planus usually a...

      Tags: lifestyle

      • Lily Raman

        How to reverse damage done by makeup?

        Your cosmetic kit can stir the appearance and health of your skin. It can leave you with age spots, deep wrinkles, sagging skin on your face, or maybe...

        Tags: lifestyle

        • Lily Raman

          Exercises For Healthy Skin

          In modern and fast life, where we don't have time for taking proper care of our skin health, our skin often becomes dull and dry. The factors like sun...

          Tags: lifestyle

          • Lily Raman

            Healthy Diet for Weight Loss

            A healthy eating plan that is rich in fruits and vegetables can help to manage your weight. You must include a variety of healthy foods in your daily d...

            Tags: lifestyle

            • Lily Raman

              Simple Tips For Health And Fitness

              A little change in your lifestyle impacts your health and fitness. You don't need to hit the gym all the time. A healthy diet and exercise regularly make a...

              Tags: lifestyle

              • Lily Raman

                Burning Feet

                Burning Feet Burning feet is a kind of nerve damage to your leg. It can happen temporarily burning, swelling due to fatigue, or infection, or some o...

                Tags: lifestyle

                • Lily Raman

                  How To Get Rid of Tan Naturally

                  How to Get Rid of Tan Naturally Almost everyone gets this common skin problem. The insensitive heat of the sun causes many problems, including sunta...

                  Tags: lifestyle

                  • Lily Raman

                    Some Life Hacks For Healthy Skin

                    ...kin. Learn to take care of your skin thoroughly by adopting a healthy lifestyle and food...ou can improve your skin quality and make it healthy by changing your lifestyle, only out...

                    Tags: lifestyle hacks

                    • Lily Raman

                      Natural Remedies For Oily Skin

                      Natural Remedies For Oily Skin Aw! oily skin? Too much oil on the face putting you in trouble? It also causes pimples, acne, whiteheads, and blackhe...

                      Tags: lifestyle

                      • Lily Raman

                        7 Home Remedies for Dry Skin

                        7 Home Remedies for Dry Skin Does your skin become dry? Is that bothering you a lot? If yes, your skin is losing its moisturizer and becoming dry. I...

                        Tags: lifestyle


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