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18 results for 'Human Resource'


    • Wilson Levi

      Descriptive Analytics

      ...increases, the processing and analysis can become time-consuming and resource-intens...ptimize delivery routes to reduce costs and improve delivery times. Human Resources Analytic...
      • thewiki Editorial

        The Employee's Compensation Act, 1923

        The Employees' Compensation Act, 1923 is a legislation in India that provides for the payment of compensation to employees who suffer injury or disability, or...

        Tags: Human Resources

        • thewiki Editorial


 is the usual way how any human lives, th...nlighting is something natural in humans. Big com...on your work and use your office resources for your own gain, using your own resources to moonl...

          Tags: Human Resources

          • Wilson Levi

            Organizational Behavior

            ...chology and understanding human behavior...ociological insights into human interacti...a foundation of corporate human resources....ay skew their findings on human behavior....e foundation of the human resources professi...

            Tags: Human Resources

            • Wilson Levi

              How to ask for a promotion?

              ...rformance Indicators This is important, KPI's are not just for the human resource team,...s important because, when you will ask for a raise, your manager or human resource team is g...
              • Wilson Levi

                Natural Language Processing (NLP)

                ...nteractions between computers and human language,...the automatic handling of natural human languages...seem completely nonsensical to a human). There a...., from a dictionary or an online resource such as W...
                • Wilson Levi


                  ...entifying and preventing fraudulent activities through data analysis and modeling. HR Analytics: Using data to make data-driven decisions in human resources, such as...
                  • Wilson Levi

                    ETL (Extract, Transform & Load)

                    ...process. This really helps in cases where we have to ensure that the data provided is of best quality. For example, when we have to upload Human Resource Data, we...
                    • Wilson Levi

                      Liliane Bettencourt

             support and develop medical, cultural, and humanitarian pr...s to scientific education and research, 33% to humanitarian contaminated baby food, monopolizing water resources, and tol...
                      • Mithlesh Dhar

                        Simple HRIS System for organizations

                        Human Resource Information System (HRIS)&nb...f employee master data that the human resource needs for completing core human resource processes...king. Click Here to Buy your Human Resource Informati...


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                      "Time Flies Over, but Leaves its Shadows Behind"