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71 results for 'Language'


    • Wilson Levi

      How to have a healthy and beautiful mind? | Cosmetics for Mind

      ...eekend or on vacation. This way, you can keep your brain more engaged and your mind healthy. Some of the examples can be, Learning a new language (I am try...
      • Wilson Levi

        Do you know everything about Shampoo?

        ...cticides or other medications to treat skin conditions or parasite infestations such as fleas. Etymology The word shampoo entered the English language from the...
        • Mithlesh Dhar

          How to Do Sentiment Analysis?

 the type of emotion in data. There can be several other types of sentiment analysis, which one can perform, like detection of sentiments in languages other th...
          • Mithlesh Dhar

            Online Tool to Analyze your data in HR

            ...the same are; Software Feedback Classifier Sentiment Analysis Urgency Detection Keyword Extractor Profanity & Abuse Detector Language Classifie...
            • Mithlesh Dhar

              Travel T-Shirts

              ...n you are at a place where you don't know the language, it can c...d to Lonavala for Job. Although the change of languages never Hyderabad, where there was a considerable language barrier....
              • Wilson Levi

                What are you doing with your life?

                ...we talk about communities, people think of their religious beliefs and language communiti...munity, go for it. It might not be from your geographical area or your language. It might...
                • Vrinda Bahekar Dhar

                  All about Acne

                  What is Acne? In simple Language; ACNE = PIMPLES. Mainly it occurs due to the clogging of hair follicles with sebum, dead skin cells, dirt. There is a role of horm...
                  • Wilson Levi

                    Best Practices for Virtual Interviews

                    ...erviews, but it is important that you treat remote interviews just as you would those that you hold in your office. Use professional language, including body language, and rema...
                    • Wilson Levi

                      How to do a Digital Detox?

                      ...y instead of a digital one. Take a class or lesson to learn a new skill or talent. For instance, take a gymnastics class or sign up for foreign language lessons....
                      • Wilson Levi

                        What is Vaseline?

               company Unilever. Products include plain petroleum jelly and a selection of skin creams, soaps, lotions, cleansers, and deodorants. In many languages, the wor...


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