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140 results for 'Beauty'


    • Vrinda Bahekar Dhar

      What are Product Claims & are these claims genuine?

      Cosmetic claims What are cosmetic claims? There are many claims for cosmetic products one should know various types of claims; they are ingredien...
      • Lily Raman

        Simple and Amazing Home Remedies for White skin

        Simple and Amazing Home Remedies for White skin Being comfortable with your skin tone is very important, and it is also good to know how to become...

        Tags: beauty and wellness

        • Wilson Levi

          Cosmetic Industry

          ...light skin as not only a cosmetic change but a lifestyle change. White beauty implies a lifestyle of "sophistication, beauty, power, a...

          Tags: beauty products

          • Wilson Levi

            X-Men: Evolution

            ...Grey, Kitty, Storm, etc showed several trends like that of Colored Hairs, the use of cosmetic products like dark lipstick by Rogue, and the use of beauty products...
            • Wilson Levi


              ...nt surgeries may help to reconstruct or thicken lashes or eyebrow hair. Society and Culture Cosmetics Long eyelashes are considered a sign of beauty in many c...
              • Lily Raman

                Simple Tips on Pedicure At Home

                Our feet also need good care. Dead skin, specks of dirt, and cuticles make your feet dull and infectious, along with cracking heels. Pedicures keep yo...

                Tags: Beauty and wellness

                • Lily Raman

                  How to reverse damage done by makeup?

                  Your cosmetic kit can stir the appearance and health of your skin. It can leave you with age spots, deep wrinkles, sagging skin on your face, or maybe...

                  Tags: beauty tips

                  • Lily Raman

                    Exercises For Healthy Skin

                    In modern and fast life, where we don't have time for taking proper care of our skin health, our skin often becomes dull and dry. The factors like sun...
                    • Wilson Levi

                      What is Cosmetic Packaging?

                      ...t must be an attractive-looking container as part of the marketing of a beauty product....success, its packaging must be attractive since that is the essence of beauty marketing...
                      • Wilson Levi

                        What is Cosmetic Advertising?

               the promotion of cosmetics and beauty products...ion The obsession with youth and beauty sends tho...i-aging cream for their skin. The beauty industry...n that repeated exposure to ideal beauty as portra...

                        Tags: beauty products, beauty norms


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