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What is a Learning Intelligence?

First, let us try to understand What is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence in computer terminology may be defined as intelligence shown by machines or computers. So, sometimes machines can mimic 'cognitive' functions that humans associate with the human minds, such as learning and problem-solving.
The machines haven't taken over. Not yet at least. However, they are seeping their way into our lives, affecting how we live, work, and entertain ourselves. From voice-powered personal assistants like Siri and Alexa to more underlying and fundamental technologies such as behavioral algorithms, suggestive searches, and autonomously-powered cars, there are several examples of artificial intelligence in use today.

However, the technology is still in its infancy. What many companies are calling AI today isn't necessarily so. Any piece of AI algorithm that responds based on pre-defined multi-faceted input or user behavior, that isn't necessarily AI.

A true Artificial Intelligent system is one that can learn on its own. We are talking about neural networks from the likes of Google's Deep Mind, which can make connections and reach meanings without relying on pre-defined behavioral algorithms. True AI can improve on past iterations, getting smarter and more aware, allowing it to enhance its capabilities and its knowledge.

So, what is Learning Intelligence?
Learning Intelligence is a subset of Artificial Intelligence, which as the name suggests, learns. Now, what makes it different from Artificial Intelligence is that it usually learns the behavior of humans and develops its own personality. I bet you would have seen Jarvis in Iron Man, it can be referred to as Learning Intelligence in some cases if it was real.
There is a fundamental algorithm behind this type of Intelligence and that is Reinforcement Learning. This basically means, whenever you are trying to interact with the machine, it will give you responses on the basis of past experiences or baseline data and after that, it will start correcting itself on every reinforcement or nudge. For Example, you can ask a Learning Intelligence a question like what is the difference between an apple and an orange. At first, might be it may reply with apple is red and orange is orange in color. At that time you can nudge it and say, no apples can be green as well. This time machine learns a new fact and utilizes it next time you ask the same question. This also results in a kind of transferring conscience to the machine. This is similar to teaching an infant to do things right or wrong. This might take time but it seems more promising in making sure that the machine understands humans and how we interact with them.

There is a simple example of learning intelligence that I have shared below, you can click the link below and try to interact with it. It is in a nascent stage and we have not database access, so it is just a simple chatbot in the WhatsApp framework. But you can definitely use it for searching keywords on the web. For that you can start by typing 'hi' in lower case everything should be in lowercase as this is just an example and will require more development to be working properly. So you can write 'Search Artificial Intelligence' without quotes and it will start showing results.

Click here to interact with Rhythm - Learning Intelligence Bot

This is just an example of what technology can do to make our lives easier in the days to come. You can use Machine Learning Algorithms in order to create a chatbot, that not only interacts with you but can also attain the consciousness of a human and hence help in keeping him or her alive for centuries to go.


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