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    • Mikhail Agapov

      Answer on How to Cope with Life?

      Coping with life can be a challenging and sometimes overwhelming task, but there are several strategies and approaches that can help you navigate the ups and downs effectively: Seek Support: Don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or a...
        Mikhail Agapov
        Coping with life can be a challenging and sometimes overwhelming task, but there are several strategies and approaches that can help you navigate the ups and downs effectively: Seek Support: Don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or a...

        Coping with life can be a challenging and sometimes overwhelming task, but there are several strategies and approaches that can help you navigate the ups and downs effectively:

        1. Seek Support: Don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or a therapist when you're going through difficult times. Talking about your feelings and experiences with someone you trust can provide emotional support and perspective.
        2. Practice Self-Care: Taking care of your physical and mental well-being is essential. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and engage in relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing.
        3. Set Realistic Goals: Establish achievable goals for yourself. Break down larger objectives into smaller, manageable steps, and celebrate your accomplishments along the way.
        4. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practicing mindfulness can help you stay in the present moment, reduce stress, and improve your emotional well-being. Meditation can be a valuable tool for managing anxiety and building resilience.
        5. Maintain a Positive Perspective: Try to focus on the positive aspects of your life. Cultivate gratitude by keeping a gratitude journal and recognizing the things you are thankful for.
        6. Problem-Solving Skills: Learn problem-solving techniques to address challenges and overcome obstacles. This can involve brainstorming solutions, evaluating their pros and cons, and taking action.
        7. Stay Flexible: Life is full of unexpected changes and challenges. Being adaptable and open to change can help you navigate these situations more effectively.
        8. Manage Stress: Find healthy ways to manage stress, whether through exercise, relaxation techniques, or hobbies. Chronic stress can have negative effects on your physical and mental health.
        9. Time Management: Effective time management can help reduce feelings of overwhelm. Prioritize your tasks, set boundaries, and allocate time for work, rest, and recreation.
        10. Healthy Relationships: Nurture and maintain healthy relationships with loved ones. Strong social connections can provide emotional support and a sense of belonging.
        11. Limit Negative Influences: Be mindful of the people, media, or activities that contribute to negative emotions and stress. Limit exposure to these influences when possible.
        12. Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and self-compassion. Don't be too hard on yourself when things don't go as planned.
        13. Professional Help: If you're struggling with severe mental health issues, it's important to seek help from a mental health professional. Therapy or counseling can provide you with valuable tools and support.
        14. Take Breaks: It's essential to take breaks and give yourself time to rest and recharge. Overexertion can lead to burnout and mental health issues.
        15. Stay Informed: Educate yourself about stress, mental health, and coping strategies. Knowledge can empower you to make informed decisions about your well-being.

        Remember that coping with life is a journey, and it's okay to ask for help when you need it. Everyone's challenges and coping strategies are unique, so it's important to find what works best for you. Developing resilience and the ability to cope with life's challenges takes time and practice, so be patient with yourself as you learn and grow.

        • Mikhail Agapov

          Answer on Why did God created this Universe?

          For several years I have been hearing from several religious preachers that God has created this universe, and he is the only one who knows everything about you. I have read Religious Books that say that Humans are filled with bad habits...
            Mikhail Agapov
            For several years I have been hearing from several religious preachers that God has created this universe, and he is the only one who knows everything about you. I have read Religious Books that say that Humans are filled with bad habits...

            For several years I have been hearing from several religious preachers that God has created this universe, and he is the only one who knows everything about you.

            I have read Religious Books that say that Humans are filled with bad habits like;

            1. Hypocrisy
            2. Arrogance
            3. Conceit
            4. Anger
            5. Harshness, and Ignorance

            And when we ask those religious preachers why did God created live? They are speechless.

            I believe God is playing a simulation, in which he or she arrives, plays their part, becomes a hero and at last completes the game. This is what I think, but reality can be totally difficult.

            What was the need to create life? Why can't this world be without life and why is it necessary for God to create anything at all?

            First, he (God) creates this Universe, then creates life, and then gives his own guidelines, and then also places all the bad habits in humans or other organisms.

            Everything is created by God, even our hormones and feelings or emotions. Still, God says in several different religious books that if we don't follow his teachings, then we will land in hell or we will have to take birth like some animal or other organism.

            When God created humans and other organisms then he only introduced feelings, chemicals and hormones that make us what we are and he knows what bad we will do in future. Why can't he take us to correct part automatically. Why do we have to decide what is right or wrong?

            I believe God is just playing with us as a Video Game. If he is real then he is just sitting next to a simulation and making sure that he always succeeds and this game ends and then it starts again and again.

            If God is not real, in that case this Universe was made by an accident, and we should only pray to the energy that created us.

            Then several people ask, why are there so many miracles if God is not real?
            Well, for this I have a simple answer. We are the Universe.

            Consider yourself as a small universe in itself which is made up of atoms, and molecules and we are trying to observe ourselves through different organisms and objects in this vast endlessness.

            Having said that, we have to understand that there is randomness that is taking this universe and the universe inside us to somewhere in the future, but we will never know where it will actually take us because nothing is defined and everything is going to be defined in future for the first time. There is nothing like destiny and we have the free will to create our own destiny.

            In that case, it also makes sense that if we are working hard and if we stay positive then we will find some way to complete tasks and reach to our target. But if God is real, in that case we should just pray to God and leave our domestic lives. This should help us in evolving our human civilization, which is not the case.

            There are several religious preachers and some of them who have become famous also. They all need the technological advancements to stay connected with their followers. Some have become famous just because their videos have become viral on YouTube and other Social Media Platforms. They preach things that don't make any sense at all.

            They say that we should be away from materialistic things, when in reality, people who are passionate about materialistic things are the ones who contribute to the development of this technology and even help in human evolution.

            There are religious gurus that are using medical science to keep themselves alive because they didnt take care of their body in the first place. Then they say that, look God is taking care of my body and even with terminal illness I am sitting in front of you and preaching. There are doctors working behind the scenes to keep him alive, but he has more clarity and trust on the God that has provided him with these resources.

            One should try to understand that God is something that provides a hope to someone that has lost everything, but he or she will have to work hard themselves to take themselves out of the misery that they are living in.

            You will have to believe in yourself that you can do something to change your life. As the saying goes, "God Helps Those Who Help Themselves".

            This is true, because there is some energy that helps someone who takes effort.

            Right now there a religious preacher saying that birth is not in our control, but our life is in our control, or is it in real?

            I don't think so. One has to understand that if God is real, then he is just playing with each and everyone of our lives. He doesn't has the rights or maybe he has because he can decide where we are going to born and when we will die. He may also have power to revive someone, in that case we have no choice but to keep living as per his terms and conditions and just live.

            But if there is no God in this world, in that case we are just running behind a Ghost all around, and religious preachers are just motivational speakers that work to assure us that we are doing something wrong that has made our life a hell. They tell us to follow certain steps that can help us in making our lives great.

            At the end I would also like to add that we cannot just ignore the fact that God is not there. This is because even though we may feel that God is not there, but miracles do happen and we don't know how. Maybe it is because of Gods.

            One has to understand that this all is unreal and reality is not going to be same every single time.

            You will have to live life like it is and listen to both the sides who say God is there and those who say that God is not real. Just understand whatever direction you take, just be a good human. Try to be kind to every organism on earth and adhere to your morals. If God is there, he will be happy with you, but if he is not there, then it doesn't even matters. You will be able to survive nicely because you won't fell into issues like the bad people do.

            In both the cases, if you were kind to people and other organisms, you are going to be safe and will be going to heaven.


            • Mikhail Agapov

              Answer on How to be a fun person to hang out with?

              Everyone wants to hang out with people who are fun to be around. Nobody wants to be labeled as "boring", it's just that some people need a little help in this area of personality. There are several reasons why someone doesn't look so cool, but there...
                Mikhail Agapov
                Everyone wants to hang out with people who are fun to be around. Nobody wants to be labeled as "boring", it's just that some people need a little help in this area of personality. There are several reasons why someone doesn't look so cool, but there...

                Everyone wants to hang out with people who are fun to be around. Nobody wants to be labeled as "boring", it's just that some people need a little help in this area of personality. There are several reasons why someone doesn't look so cool, but there are a few things that one can do to look fun to hang out with. For example, self-confidence, being helpful, and also a bit adventurous are some of the things that can help someone be fun to hang out with. 

                Below are some of the strategies that you can use to become a person that everyone likes to hang out with;

                1. Have self-confidence:
                Self-confidence is key to being a fun and cool person to hang out with. This is because if someone has good confidence they won't shy in sharing a compliment with another person and will also be able to enjoy other's company. Nothing is wrong with believing in yourself, and it's looked up to but never looked down on. To do so, one should try to discount any negative ideas one has about themselves. If someone thinks of oneself negatively, then others will also do the same, so it is always better to be positive and think about yourself in a positive manner.

                But don't take being confident overboard or else you may look overconfident, so ensure to not let your ego consume you in the process of being confident. This is also because people don't like others who cannot be humble to others.

                2. Share your opinions & open up a bit:
                Sharing what you feel and who you are is a major thing when we talk about being fun to be around. If you guard yourself or your emotions too much, no one will get to know you. If they cannot learn more about you, then they won't think you are fun. So, share your opinions, and thoughts and open up a bit. To do so, you can share your stories, life goals, family, etc. The reason to do so is to be more relatable by increasing your chances of finding common ground.

                3. Take Chances & be spontaneous:
                Taking chances and expressing yourself is something that is a trait of people who are fun. Don't be afraid to take chances and try to remember people that you feel are fun to be around. Initially, it may be a bit difficult to do it, but practice a few times and you will be good to go ahead with the same. Also, the more you do it, the sooner it will just become a part of you. Don't think too much, regardless of what anyone tells you. 

                If you will think what others will think then what will others think?

                4. Show interest and be open-minded:
                Being open-minded and showing interest in conversations is something of real importance because people don't like to be with people who are not genuinely happy to have a chat.  Try to ask questions and offered advice if necessary and always greet others with a smiling face. Be the person who listens in this world of self expression.

                Becoming a fun person to be around is not an overnight transformation, but with dedication and practice, anyone can enhance their social skills. Confidence, open-mindedness, and a willingness to share can go a long way in making you someone others enjoy spending time with. So, go ahead, take chances, express yourself, and remember, being fun is not about being perfect; it's about being authentic and letting your unique personality shine through.


                • Mithlesh Dhar

                  Mithlesh Dhar

                  Safakadal, IndiaHi, I have been working on several projects to connect creators with the world. Feel free to write for any feedback.