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Why do we get stressed so easily?

woman in black long sleeve shirt covering her face with her hands

Sometimes it seems that we are getting stressed because of small things in life as well. There are a lot of things going on at the same time, and we are not able to figure out the solutions to most of the issues.

Stress is a natural feeling of not being able to cope with specific demands and events. However, stress can become a chronic condition if we do not take steps to manage it.

There can be several reasons for this stress, for example, stress can arise from demands from work, relationships, financial pressures, and other situations, but anything that poses a real or perceived challenge or threat to a person's well-being can cause stress.

Many also believe that stress can be a motivator, and it can be essential to survival. The body's fight-or-flight mechanism tells a person when and how to respond to danger. However, when the body becomes triggered too easily, or there are too many stressors at one time, it can undermine a person's mental and physical health and become harmful.

Why does stress take place?
Stress is a body's natural defense against dangers. It causes the body to flood with hormones that prepare its systems to evade or confront danger. People commonly refer to this as the fight-or-flight mechanism.

The body produces larger quantities of the chemicals cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. These trigger the following physical reactions;

  • Increased Blood Pressure
  • Heightened Muscle Preparedness
  • Sweating
  • Alertness

These factors all improve a person's ability to respond to a potentially dangerous or challenging situation. 

What are the different types of stress?

  1. Acute Stress:
    This type of stress is short-term and usually a more common form of stress. Acute stress often develops when people consider the pressures of events that have recently occurred or face upcoming challenges shortly.

    For example, we may feel stressed out because of a deadline for our college project or job extension. Therefore, acute stress is something that occurs because of some situation that is new and may have some immediate solution as well.

    Acute stress does not cause the same amount of damage as long-term, chronic stress. Short-term effects include tension headaches, an upset stomach, as well a moderate amount of distress.

    However, repeated instances of acute stress over an extended period can become chronic and harmful.
    1. Chronic Stress:
      This type of stress develops over a long period and is more harmful.

      Ongoing poverty, a dysfunctional family, or an unhappy marriage are examples of situations that can cause chronic stress. It occurs when a person can see no way to avoid their stressors and stops seeking solutions. A traumatic experience early in life may also contribute to chronic stress.

      Chronic stress makes it difficult for the body to return to a normal level of stress hormone activity, which can contribute to health issues like heart attack, impotence, insomnia, etc.

      A constant state of stress can also increase a person's risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), can develop when stress becomes chronic.

What are the causes of the stress?
People usually react differently to stressful situations. What is stressful for one individual may not be stressful for another, and almost any event can potentially cause stress. For some people, just thinking about a trigger or several smaller triggers can cause stress.

Mental health conditions, such as depression, or a building sense of frustration, injustice, and anxiety can make some people feel stressed more easily than others. Previous experience may affect how a person reacts to stressors. 

Common major life events that can trigger stress include:

  • Unemployment
  • Lack of Time
  • Death of a close one
  • Illness
  • Moving Home
  • Relationships

So why do we get stressed so easily?
As we discussed everything with regards to stress, we can say that there are 100 reasons that you will find out to get stressed out, but when you are spending your life as a normal human, getting stressed out is one of the worst things that you can do.

So, one can say that taking things seriously is the main reason to get stressed so easily these days. 

We should not take life so seriously, no one is going to get alive from this anyway, and hence we should try to live life to the fullest.

There is a lot of things going on in our life, and the way we react to those things makes difference. We should understand that anything that happens to us is not because we are bad or there is something wrong with us, but it happens because life is like this to everyone else, although degrees and emotions may differ from person to person.

How to diagnose that you have stressed out?
A doctor will typically diagnose stress by asking an individual about their symptoms and life events. 

Diagnosing stress can be challenging because it depends on many factors. Away from this, listen to your body, if you feel that you are tired and angry every single time, that may be a symptom of high stress.

How can we treat stress?
Treatment of stress includes self-help, and when an underlying condition is causing stress, certain medications can also help. 

Therapies that may help a person relax include aromatherapy and reflexology.

Some of the best ways to treat and manage stress are by following a healthy lifestyle;

  1. Exercise daily, as it helps in dealing with stress, and also helps people get rid of all the symptoms if followed a routine.
  2. Reducing intake of alcohol, and other drugs.
  3. Having a healthy diet will make you feel better, as your body will feel best in shape.
  4. Breathing, Relaxation, and Meditation have its effect on our body, and all of them are positive ones, therefore one should always try to find some peaceful time for Meditation.
  5. Time Management is something that will also help you in getting rid of acute stress, which can grow into chronic ones, as we can manage our time better, and hence we will be able to get more done in smaller durations of time, and hence we will have fewer things to stress about.


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