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The Lifestyle and Basics everyone must know

Prevention is always better than cure. But diseases generally are a culmination of long term imbalance in lifestyle, that acts as a slow poison in making us devoid of health and happiness.

When a man takes a step against nature, it quietly retaliates, such that it will affect the community, maybe in a day, in a week, in a month, or even years. But what goes around comes around! Humans are beings of the environment and are expected to remain with nature. When a major deviation from the normal and disciplined lifestyle is observed, health problems do pop up. 

So let's have a close look at some of the most common health problems, caused due to aversion to the healthy way of living and how a simple alteration in the present path can help us solve them. Administering some common and mild medicines, that everyone should know about, will help one get quick relief.

1. Homoeopathy:

A traditional medicine system is based on the principle of ' similia simililbus curantur', which means 'similar cures similar'. It was discovered by Dr Samuel Hahnmenn, a German Doctor of Allopathic discipline. While working on 'Cinchona' (Quinine) he discovered that if it is administered regularly to a healthy person, it causes fever and chillness, but when is given routinely to a patient having the symptoms of fever and chills, it will cure him. Thus he devised that medicine that causes certain symptoms can help in curing those similar symptoms. Homoeopathy is therefore developed upon 2 things-

  • The patient
  • The correct remedy that the patient needs to cure him rapidly, gently and permanently through simple and minimum doses of as far as feasible, a single medicine type only. 

For a cure to be in Homoeopathy, the observation of symptoms from head to toe is very important, so that the drug chosen is precise. 

For example, some common extractions that help in cure are –

  • Belladonna, a remedy for headaches and convulsions.
  • Cina, a medicine for intestinal problems.
  • Aconite for cold.
  • And Bryonia for Osteitis. 

2. Ayurveda 

Ayurveda= ayu + Veda, which means the science of life. 

The word for 'balancing' in Ayurveda is 'Swastha', establishing self. 

In Allopathy, for checking the balance, different tests such as Blood tests, urine tests and various pathological tests are present. But in Ayurveda, any discomfort in pain, nausea, heaviness or burning suggests an imbalance. 


There are personalised body types for each person present, and the diagnosis of his/her body is done based on those physical aspects.

For example, a Vata type person will appear thinner, with dry skin. 

A pitta type person may appear with more oily skin, fleshy and warm. 

A Kapha type person may appear with large, beautiful and moist eyes with oily lashes. 

This all these 3 different body types people will require a different kind of treatment. 

For example, people with chronic asthma or digestion problems may have Boswellia, to cure their ailments.

3. Acupressure

Acupuncture is a natural science, philosophy, and rational therapy method based on an inbuilt mechanism provided in the human body by nature(Tao). Treatment is given by acupressure, acupuncture or moxibustion at defined locations of the human body called acupoints or Shu-Xue-Xue points. 

Shu means to move or transfers the bioenergy (Qi) and the body fluids (Xue). It involves supplying bioenergy at the location where it is deficient or transferring it from the location where it is in excess. It includes removing the stasis, unfastening the impediments and occlusions and correcting the contraventions and barriers of the energy. 

The basis of this treatment comes from "Five Element Therapy" (wood, fire, earth, metal and water). 

For example, a head massage gives relief in headache, because while massaging, one press at certain points which help in the distribution of energy, thus helping the body come to normal.

4. Colour Therapy

Colour therapy or chroma therapy, as the name suggests refers to helping by colours. The colours of the environment have a great impact on life. For example, plants reflect the green colour from the spectra of the 7 colours and are so green. This is connected to their physiology. Different religions have been considering colours to be the symbol of different life processes, such as green or yellow for fertility and white for peace. They impact one's moods and health and are therefore regarded to be of utmost importance. Over time, people realized its importance in the health sector and started using it as a therapy. 

When we observe, we can find that common ailment can be beneficially treated with the help of colours. 

For example, 

Ample sunlight in the room induces positivity and lack of it hampers our moods. Blue light gives relief to joint pains and is also used to treat cancer.

Violet helps in pacifying chronic pain and stress.  Yellow and orange colour can be used in curing skin disorders. Thus above were some simple, common, lifestyle therapies everyone must know as a remedy to live a healthier life. 


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