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The Hope to Reconnect

When the steel rimmed glasses are faded, 
When the fingers are shrivelled and shrunken, 
When the eyes are tired and weak, 
When the head is hired by indifference,
When the, flesh is flinched and de-blooded, 
When the tongue has no word left to speak,
When the ears are desperate to hear and listen,
When the heart pounds for silence,
When the arms are too light to limp the life,
When the stomach aches for peace,
When the calves barely respond to any bang,
When the feet are tired of feuding, 
When,even the rich Roman realised the futility of fighting, 
Then the world will realise the path towards peace and joy, is of nature...
It is of traversing the easy road of peace and acceptance,
Not of competition, but of constant collaboration, 
Not of doubts and grudge, but of understanding and empathy.
Then we will realise that sizzling rivers and dark woods connect us to the silence we need.
Then we will know the essence of existence.
Then we will unite with the universe.


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