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15 results for 'time zones'


    • Sanjeev Munshi

      Welcome to Kashmir – As Tourists Only the city of their origin first time since the...ere visiting Kashmir for the first time, besides...a to Sati Sar (Kashmir) in Ramayan time. Before f...eration away. Govt may create safe zones or dedica...
      • Mikhail Agapov

        Essay on Pollution in 1400+ words

        ...verall growth of people of the nation gets hampered because most of the time they all...he quality of soil and water. It can also lead to the emergence of dead zones in oceans...


        • Wilson Levi

          Jessie’s Coffee Shop

          ...had just stumbled upon her website, and the below article is my first-time impressio...that connects writers across the globe to come and log in at different time zones and work...



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        Quote of the Day

        "Time Flies Over, but Leaves its Shadows Behind"