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If there is already so much content out there on internet, so what should we write about?

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Every day there are millions of articles published around the world, and I am not blogging about this. This is true because I also post around 2 articles a day, although most of them are about my feelings and emotions about what is happening around me.

But if I write 2 articles per day, that means people around the world will be posting one article a day, and that means if there are a million bloggers, which is the truth, as there are more than a billion bloggers around the world, then they should be posting one article at least a day, thus at least one million articles are publishing in a day.

This is astonishing because it was never an idea of how connected this world will be one day. And you know what, I by mistake deleted my page, and I have also forgotten what I was writing in my previous version, so anything that I am posting here is again a new article in itself.

Where are these articles coming from?
There are so many people around the world. I think we might be reaching 8 billion in some time. Having said that, there are so many big media houses and individual bloggers out there.

And when I say bloggers, I don't include the social media influencers, as those are countless. Even I had thought of becoming one when I hear about their earnings.

Nevertheless, these bloggers and big media houses contribute so many articles per day that you can't even imagine, and this is where this whole writing market is becoming saturated.

How many articles should I write per day to get good traffic?
Although this is an old topic, I believe you should know the truth. 

Articles don't equate to traffic. I have tried it and I am trying it every single day. This is because there are website owners who are posting more than 20 to 30 high-quality content every single day.

Then come to the big media houses, which may be publishing more than hundreds of articles every day around the world, therefore even though you think that articles will translate to visitors, that is not the case.

But I can give you a thumb rule;

  1. If you are writing an article as some expert or a niche owner, then you should post 1 article every 2 to 3 days. This is because you will take this much time to develop content and write about it. You will also have to spend some time in researching what is happening in your domain to give the best information.
  2. If you are sharing your emotions and feelings, post at least 2 articles per day. This is because you are the content, and you can write about anything in this world and universe, and no one can stop you from achieving that target. This is also a good start because people in the end see consistency.
  3. If you are writing news and latest updates, ensure that you have a team, because you will have to write more than 20 to 50 articles per day to get noticed around the world.

This will again be enhanced if you have proper knowledge of SEO and how articles should be written and published.

Are there no topics on which I can write to get unlimited traffic?
Well, there can be some topics on which no one has written content, for example, no one would be interested in the fact "what Mikhail had for breakfast and why?"

Therefore, if you even write about me some articles, you will not see any traffic as such, because there are very less amount of people that are searching about Mikhail.

Having said that, there still are some topics that can get more than enough traffic if you have properly done your homework;

  1. Diary Entry:
    Mostly everyone in this world is feeling insecure once in their lifetime, and at that time they usually search for someone who can explain what this is happening, and how can we get over it, so your diary entry will be useful sometime in someone's life.
  2. Write News Articles and the latest updates:
    There is always competition within several news houses about who can get the fresh article as soon as possible. You can win this race by covering news in your area.

    If there is a marriage that is happening in your area, just write about it, and if it has caused traffic jab, note it down and write about the same and hit the publish button. 

    This is the best way to cover the news as soon as it happens in front of your eyes. This is because you will not be able to cover the whole city, but even if you can cover your locality, you can later on work on expanding your team once you start seeing the profits.
  3. Write about your feelings and emotions:
    Well, it is not like a diary entry, but more like a self-help guide. For example, you can write about "how to deal with your spouse when she or he is angry?" etc.

    Topics like these are evergreen as weddings are happening every single second in this world, which means, every minute a couple is fighting, so several people in the world require answers to your silliest questions.
  4. Solve Maths and Physics questions and post them:
    This is again an innovative way of increasing your viewers because as more and more studies are being done online, several children around the world are searching for the answers online.

    You can become a one-stop destination for all the maths and physics questions. This is awesome because kids will love their answers properly explained.
  5. Write about your experiences:
    Have you bought your first car? Just write about it. This can work as a ready reference guide to someone who is buying a car after you and is searching for an article about the same.

    Experience is really important because these help anyone in the world in learning without experiencing that directly, hence saving them some time and money, and effort from that experience.
  6. Write about influencers:
    You can create a website with details about all the influencers that are there on different social media websites.

    This is again awesome because people who use social media networks usually search for influencers online as well. Once you have made a brand, you can also charge the influencers to get listed on your website.

These were some of the examples of article topics that you can write about to get some traffic, but one should understand that only writing articles is not enough to make money.

If you are doing it for the sake of your hobby then this is fine, but if you are looking to make a living out of it, then you should be able to market your articles to different people around the world as well.

This article is not there to demotivate you, but to create a reality in your mind about how much hard work it usually takes to produce some content and make your blog a success.

I have several websites, and not every one of them is successful, this is because successful websites require hard work and marketing knowledge.

Social Media Networks are not like they used to be when they were young. Now they have limited reach and you can only reach your audience once you have paid some money.

You cannot reach your audience because social media networks filter the content on based sonography and demography.

Also, last but not the least, always keep your articles more than 2000 words. I am trying to do it without any success informed time because the more your article has content, the more research you have done and hence it will easily be able to fulfill someone's needs and,d hence it will be easy to rank in search engines.

This again comes with proper practice, and when you have written more than 400 to 500 articles, just not possible to think about something so deep that you arcanite about it in a few days.

That is why professional bloggers take more than a week to produce articles, and that too with the help of their team.


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