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4 results for 'crop'


    • Mikhail Agapov

      Rowan Atkinson

      Rowan Sebastian Atkinson (born 6th January 1955) is an English actor, comedian and writer. He played the title roles in the sitcoms Blackadder&...
      • Mikhail Agapov


        ...whisky at all. By the 1880s, the French brandy industry was devastated by the phylloxera pest that ruined much of the grape crop; as a res...
        • Mithlesh Dhar

          Kashmiri Recipes

          ...arance in the late Neolithic period. Bones of hare, hedgehog, rodents, and beavers were also recovered. Based on the presence of the Emmar Wheat crop at Kansip...
          • Wilson Levi


            Moisturizer or Emollient is a cosmetic preparation used for protecting, moisturizing, and lubricating the skin. These functions are normal...


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          "Time Flies Over, but Leaves its Shadows Behind"