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135 results for 'business'


    • Priyanka Patra

      Effect of Covid-19 on Education System

      ...orld. The impact of COVID-19 is observed in every field of our society including the educational field, transportation field, religious field, business field, em...
      • Mithlesh Dhar

        What is Data Science? Skills Coding Skills Domain Knowledge/Business Knowledge...cs of data analytics. Domain knowledge and Business thinking...t important skills that you should possess is Business/Domain Kn...
        • Mithlesh Dhar

          What is Analytics?

          ...scale. Organizations may apply analytics to business data to describe, predict, and improve business performan...ics and HR Analytics. 'People Analytics solve business problems...
          • Mithlesh Dhar

            Sentiment Analysis

            ...ent in text. It is often used by businesses to dete...y precision is important to your business, you migh...emely important because it helps businesses quickly...timent analysis is being used in business: So...
            • Mithlesh Dhar

              HR Metric

     HR's challenge is to provide business leaders w...nizational values, and strategic business goals communicate with the company business managers...needs is to identify the overall business needs as...


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            Quote of the Day

            "Time Flies Over, but Leaves its Shadows Behind"