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Why do People get Depressed?

How do we define depression? Or instead, how do we define a healthy person? 

 WHO describes it as -- 

“A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”

And depression, as psychology says, is a mood or emotional state that is marked by feelings of low self-worth or guilt and a reduced ability to enjoy life. 

Thus, it's all about dealing with small knots in your heart and head. Heart - as a poet will describe and Head, as a psychologist would. 

One can find multiple reasons for being depressed. It can be biological, genetic, hormonal, environmental, social, and filial. But what would exactly be the point when you feel depressed. 

A childhood incident might occur to you, when you fall down in front of your siblings, or when a teacher scolds you in front of your friends in a class, or when parents tell you to bring better marks. 

The list will be endless. 

There's a difference between feeling depressed and contracting depression. 

You may feel depressed when you have an argument with your best friend. You are in depression when you are not at all motivated to begin a talk with your best friend. 

Multiple incidents of being depressed lead you to experience depression. It's all about time! 

Scientifically, they may say there are certain hormones that influence your brain...The dopamine levels are lowered and you encounter depression. 

But where exactly are these influenced? Where is the root of the tree? 

The answer lies in your lifestyle, in your eating habits, in your social circle. 

The food one eats, provides him/her with nutrition which breaks down into small parts and reaches our tissues, our cells. 

The time at which we have our food, or precisely, the time at which we perform our daily activities influence our physiological system. 

The social network where one interacts, or even the close friends circle where one discusses all his / her daily life, where he/she places his thoughts rules on the top of their mind. 

The concept that broadly covers it all is the lifestyle one lives with. 

Imagine yourself to be trapped in a cage that is locked from outside. You have the keys in your hands and a friend parrot of yours is roaming around, at a hearing distance. But you are oblivious to all the opportunities around you. The music you can hear is just of a sad soul, crying for the past. 

Similarly is the case of depression. Seeking help seems worthless. There are many hearts and hands around you, waiting for you to come back, and lead. 

No worries if you couldn't make it today. You will experience life tomorrow. The beginning is always now! 

Reaching out for help is a good idea. Telling your loved ones how you feel will make them understand you and your situation better. They may come up with innovative ways to heal you. 

But why does depression chase you? 

Depression's worst-case comes into play when one feels life is pointless. Suicidal thoughts are clouding your brain. A bright person turns dim-witted! 

The reason can be multiple failures in life. Rejections in any field, be it academics, relationships, career, and so on.

It enters your life when your brain crosses its breakthrough point. When dealing with pain is impossible. 

With the advancement of technology, we have developed physically. But this has increased pressure upon us. We have become more materialistic.

Humans are insecure by nature. 

Ever wondered, why are mobile phones built?  The sole concept behind must have been, loud and clear -- we want to be felt. We want to have some worth. A child initially cries for sensation. The touch! And so we crave touch. Smartphones provide us the facility to be felt. 

But every problem has a solution. Otherwise, Maths may have no questions for great engineers to be established. 

The best would be, to reach a psychologist or a counselor with whom you can share your pain without the fear of being judged. Your close bondings may definitely help. Do not stress yourself. You must know that difficulties are a part of life. Let's accept the truth and live the imperfect life beautifully!


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