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    • Mikhail Agapov

      Mikhail Agapov

      MoscowНе ходи в другой монастырь со своими правилами (Don’t go to another monastery with your own rules)

      • Wilson Levi

        How Life Catches You?

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        Life is a 4 alphabet word that has kept several people thinking about what is happening with the world for a long long time. One tries to live life as per their terms and this is where he or she gets wrong. The time a person decides to live life...
        • Wilson Levi

          Helena Rubinstein

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          Helena Rubinstein (born Chaja Rubinstein - December 25, 1872, to April 1, 1965) was a Polish-American businesswoman, art collector, and philanthropist. A cosmetics entrepreneur, she was the founder and eponym of Helena Rubinstein...