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    • Wilson Levi

      Elevate Your Cocktails: Exploring the World of Liqueurs

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      • Mikhail Agapov

        Answer on How to get an awesome body?

        Everyone wants to have an awesome body, and everyone wants to ensure that there is no fat and that our body looks chiseled and streamlined wherever we go. It can be to impress others or to live a healthy life, but getting a fit and awesome body need...
          Mikhail Agapov
          Everyone wants to have an awesome body, and everyone wants to ensure that there is no fat and that our body looks chiseled and streamlined wherever we go. It can be to impress others or to live a healthy life, but getting a fit and awesome body need...

          Everyone wants to have an awesome body, and everyone wants to ensure that there is no fat and that our body looks chiseled and streamlined wherever we go. It can be to impress others or to live a healthy life, but getting a fit and awesome body need not be a tough task. Below are some of the tips by which you can get an awesome body and can enjoy your day-to-day activities as well;

          1. Complete your 10,000 steps per day:
          This may seem a bit cliche, but completing 10,000 steps per day can really have awesome effects on your overall physique. As our lifestyle has become more sedentary, completing 10,000 steps per day will help us in maintaining our weight and fat reserves and also ensure that our activity per day is always at its peak.

          Most of the time it is easier said than done. This is because taking out time from your daily routine is really tough, and especially for exercise is like climbing Mount Everest, but rest assured if you are able to complete those 10,000 steps per day, you will be able to maintain your body weight in a much more efficient way.

          Once you are comfortable with 10,000 steps, then you should aim for 15,000 steps per day, as it will help you start losing weight much faster.

          2. You can include 150 to 200 minutes of cardio per week:
          Cardio is a really important part of healthy living. This is because it helps your lunch breathe a bit deeper, hence your body feels more nourished after a cardio workout. Also, Aerobic activity burns fat and gives you an athletic appearance. It helps in weight loss, improves blood pressure, decreases blood sugar, decreases your risk for heart disease and stroke, improves sleeping habits, and elevates your mood as well.

          Your 150 to 200 minutes don't need to be only running and jumping. It could also be completing your extra 5000 steps or as simple as going for a swim. 

          3. Include strength training in your exercise routine:
          Strength training is something ignored by first-time gym goers, and this is because they have a misconception that strength training will make them look bulky. On the other hand, strength training actually helps carve the body and we are also able to lose fat much faster because muscles burn more fat.

          Only doing cardio will make you look skinny-fat, but if you include strength training as well in your routine, you will be able to see yourself more in shape and your clothes will also look beautiful on you.

          For me, I mix up my cardio and strength training as I practice kickboxing every day. You don't need to learn kickboxing but even if you are able to pick up some weights like a bucket half filled with water, you should be good enough with strength training. Also, one of the best exercises for strength training is pushups. This will help you become more muscular and also lose fast quickly.

          4. Do more bodyweight exercises when you can't hit the gym:
          Body weight exercises are the best way to use your body's weight to lose weight even if you don't have access to a gym nearby. Some of the best exercises you can do to get a toned body can be done with just your own body weight. Ensure to increase the repetition you do for each exercise. Some examples of bodyweight exercises are;

          • Pushups, which will help you sculpt your chest, shoulders, and arms. I used to do around 150 pushups when I was at the peak of my fitness. Currently, 40 is the most, which I am again trying to increase.
          • Squats are something that I really hate but are one of the most important bodyweight exercises that you can do. I personally prefer combat squats where you keep one leg straight and mount yourself on one leg and then shift your weight to another leg while maintaining balance.
          • Pullups, working out your back and the rest of your body are awesome because you don't need anything else to make your body sculpted and shoulder wider. Pullups are my favorite exercises to widen the shoulder and get that V-Shaped body.
          • Abdominal Crunches are one of the great exercises for making your core look great and getting those 6 pack abs. You just need to find a plain space and start doing these. You can check different variations of the same on youtube and make your abdominal muscles more beautiful. I used to do around 25 to 30 abdominal crunches, which made my stomach go inside within a few months.

          5. You can even try having a better diet:
          Include more proteins and fiber in your diet, and try to get rid of sugary soft drinks. Try to go for fresh juices as it has more fiber and less sugar. Natural sugars are still better than processed ones. I like tea a lot, so I avoid sugar in my tea, which helps me get rid of excess sugar in my diet.

          Keeping an eye on what you have taken into the diet will even help you manage other issues like diabetes and blood pressure issues. 

          6. Drink at least 2 liters of water every day:
          Although the recommended intake of water is more than 2 liters, I have seen people skip water the whole day because they never think of it in the first place. Keep an alarm or just have a glass of water every now and then. Our body stops inflaming when we drink more water and keep ourselves away from sugars.

          Water is required for every function in our body, hence having a good amount of water in our body helps in keeping us in a good mood and the best of our physical capabilities.

          7. You can join a fitness, Yoga, or Zumba class:
          Most societies have these Fitness, Yoga, or Zumba clubs. These clubs not only make you fit but also help you be engaged in the disciplined life that you want to live.

          Studies have shown that people who are part of clubs like these tend to see better results than individuals who work exclusively by themselves. Taking part in these clubs can introduce you to new exercises that keep things exciting and stimulates your muscles in a new way.

          8. Proper rest is also important:
          You can't really become fit if you are not taking proper rest in between, because your body recovers from the stress during the resting period and helps in making your body more strong during that time. So, it is always better to take proper rest after a good workout.

          9. Avoid Smoking and Alcohol:
          Smoking reduces your stamina, and alcohol is known to disrupt your muscle-building efforts. Therefore, you should always try to avoid these things and should not form a habit of consuming them. This is even important because these cause addiction, which leads to further complexities down the road.

          10. Engage yourself in calming activities:
          Learn to play guitar or spend some time listening to your favorite song. Doing these all activities will help you be more relaxed and you will also recover faster as stress reduces our body's ability to recover and build muscles. Therefore, to lose fat, you should try to live a streff free life as well.

          Sample exercises for you to get started:
          I am sharing some of the exercises that I do on a regular basis to make you get started:

          1. Exercise 1: Burpees - Start by jumping and go down to do your pushup. Do burpees 10 to 15 times and then take 30 seconds rest and after that again do it 2 times. So, you would have done 30 burpees.

          2. Exercise 2: Punches - Punch in the air 20 times (10 times from one hand and 10 times from the second hand). Take 30 seconds rest and then again do the same for 3 sets.

          3. Exercise 3: Kicks - Kick 10 times from both legs and the take 30 seconds rest. Then complete 2 more sets and take 30 seconds to rest in between the sets. You can choose any type of kick, we just want to keep our body moving.

          4. Exercise 4: 10,000 Steps - Complete 10,000 steps every day. It should be your principle to complete these steps every single day as it is something that is going to help you be disciplined anywhere you are.

          I try to follow these exercises anywhere I go, even if I don't have a gym nearby, still, I try to complete these exercises. This helps me in keeping my body fat in check and also helps me in building muscles.

          • Dr. Suhul Dhar

            Answer on How to avoid Middle Age Spread?

            Middle-age spread is a common phenomenon that affects many people as they approach middle age and beyond. The term refers to the gradual increase in weight and body fat that often occurs during this stage of life, due to a variety of factors such as...
              Dr. Suhul Dhar
              Middle-age spread is a common phenomenon that affects many people as they approach middle age and beyond. The term refers to the gradual increase in weight and body fat that often occurs during this stage of life, due to a variety of factors such as...

              Middle-age spread is a common phenomenon that affects many people as they approach middle age and beyond. The term refers to the gradual increase in weight and body fat that often occurs during this stage of life, due to a variety of factors such as changes in hormone levels, a slowing metabolism, and a reduction in physical activity. If left unchecked, middle age spread can lead to a range of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. In this article, we will explore several strategies for avoiding middle-age spread and maintaining a healthy weight throughout middle age and beyond.

              1. Exercise regularly: Regular physical activity is one of the most effective ways to prevent middle-age spread. Aim to get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercises, such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming, five days a week. This will help to boost your metabolism, increase muscle mass, and burn calories, all of which are important for preventing weight gain. Additionally, weight-bearing exercises such as resistance training or weightlifting can help to build muscle mass, which can also increase your metabolism and make it easier to maintain a healthy weight.
              2. Eat a healthy, balanced diet: A healthy diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein is essential for preventing middle-age spread. Avoid foods that are high in sugar and saturated fat, as these can lead to weight gain and contribute to the development of other health problems. Instead, focus on eating a diet that is high in fiber and nutrient-dense foods, and limit your portion sizes to help control your calorie intake.
              3. Manage stress: Chronic stress can lead to overeating and weight gain, so it is important to find ways to manage stress effectively. This may involve practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, or meditation, or finding ways to reduce stress in your daily life, such as prioritizing self-care and finding enjoyable hobbies or activities.
              4. Get enough sleep: Adequate sleep is important for regulating hormones and metabolism, and a lack of sleep can lead to weight gain. Aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night, and create a bedtime routine that will help you to relax and fall asleep more easily.
              5. Avoid sedentary behavior: Sitting for long periods of time can contribute to weight gain and other health problems, so it is important to find ways to stay active throughout the day. Take regular breaks from sitting to stand up, stretch, and move around, and try to engage in physical activity whenever possible.
              6. Limit alcohol consumption: Alcohol is high in calories and can contribute to weight gain, so it is important to limit your alcohol consumption. Try to limit yourself to one or two drinks per week, and choose low-calorie options such as light beer or wine.

              In conclusion, avoiding middle-age spread is an important goal for many people as they approach middle age and beyond. By making healthy lifestyle choices, such as exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, managing stress, getting enough sleep, avoiding sedentary behavior, and limiting alcohol consumption, you can help to prevent weight gain and maintain a healthy weight throughout middle age and beyond. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized advice and guidance.


              • Mikhail Agapov

                Mikhail Agapov

                MoscowНе ходи в другой монастырь со своими правилами (Don’t go to another monastery with your own rules)

                • Manisha Mishra

                  Manisha Mishra

                  JharkhandPassionate for writing either ideal or busy!