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58 results for 'content writing'


    • The Kalpesh Sharma

      The Kalpesh Sharma (@shriganesh) the 2017 Gujarat elections. My Talent: Writing, Intelligence. My Portfolio of Technical Writing Samples:...I4kBZbI/view My Portfolio of SEO Optimized Content Writing S...

      Skills: Content Writing, Web Content Writing

      About me: the 2017 Gujarat elections. My Talent: Writing, Intelligence. My Portfolio of Technical Writing...I4kBZbI/view My Portfolio of SEO Optimized Content...

      Brief description: A Multi-Skilled and Multi-Tasking Content Strategy, Content Writing and Content Marketing Specialist.

      • P T

        P T (@Ladcollege)

        Masters in cosmetic technology. Ambitious to be a content writer. Looking for guidance in content writing




        • Wilson Levi

          Jessie’s Coffee Shop

          Recently I was searching for a Writer's Chat Room or on...oo believe that we should have small reading or writing clubs, where we can discuss what we are writing these day...

          Tags: Content Writing


          • Mikhail Agapov

            Usecase 1 - Automate Email Sending Process

            ...ting from Column A to Column E. Below are the contents of these...stores it in the variable subject. It's like writing a subject...mplete email message. It's like composing the content of the em...
            • Wilson Levi

              How to make money online?

              ...ents. 5. Create a blog If you are good at writing and feel...o is a passive income, where you have written content and now 8. Write an ebook If you are good at writing, and also...



              • thewiki Editorial

                Marketing Manager Job Opening

                ...anning and executing campaigns on Google Ads and B2B Social Media Content Managemen...ics tools like Google Analytics Skills and experience in creative content writing Strong...


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              Quote of the Day

              "Time Flies Over, but Leaves its Shadows Behind"