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14 results for 'Status'


    • Wilson Levi

      Skin Whitening

      ...utheast Asian countries, lighter skin was associated with higher social status. Historia...h century. Shirley Anne Tate attributes this to the aesthetics and statuses promote...
      • Mithlesh Dhar

        Resume / Curriculum Vitae (CV)

        ...e description of a person and included their abilities and past employment. In the early 1900s, resumes listed things like weight, height, marital status, and reli...
        • Wilson Levi


          ...Indus Valley Civilization may have used rectangular pieces of ochre with beveled ends as lipstick. Ancient Egyptians wore lipstick to show social status rather th...
          • Mithlesh Dhar

            Jammu and Kashmir

            ...ese control since 1962. The government of India repealed the special status provided...hen Jammu and Kashmir was a state, at that time it was accorded special status by Articl...


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          Quote of the Day

          "Time Flies Over, but Leaves its Shadows Behind"