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5 results for 'Representation of People Act'


  • Shree Vatuk Nath

    Shree Vatuk Nath

    ...que methods of celebrating their soc...integration of religious practices incl...bviously impacted the manner of To many people in ou...he marriage of Shiva and...verbal root of the word वटुक the form of Kalash, is...oint of attraction. ...the visual representatio...
    • Sanjeev Munshi

      Ksheer Bhawani – The Patron Goddess of Kashmir

      ...ngh, King of J&K in the 1920s....thousands of years ago...s a grain of sesame wi...ed spring of Tula Mula...The water of Kreink Na...e 7th day of the brigh...symbolic representati...hayana) practices. Adi...i Temple. People of the va...h esteem. People visiting...rendition of Panchastav...hat was exactly what SH...


      • Wilson Levi

        Natural Language Processing (NLP)

        ...subfield of linguistics, computer...the interactions between computer...e amounts of natural language data...spoken by people with diff...person or people, separate...a spoken representation....;The task of removing i...Syntactic Analysi...semantic representatio..., such as people or pla...rom a set of documents,...



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      Quote of the Day

      "Time Flies Over, but Leaves its Shadows Behind"