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47 results for 'Opinion'





    • Wilson Levi

      Natural Language Processing (NLP)

      ...of documents, often using online reviews to determine "polarity" about specific objects. It is especially useful for identifying trends of public opinion in social...
      • Mithlesh Dhar

        HR Metrics

        ...ition systems (like Taleo, etc). If the HR department wants to create data around organizational insight, engagement, culture, and in general the opinions of the e...



      Static page

        • Mikhail Agapov

          How to Get a Job That You Want?

          ...hlights of their job, and what they find to be most challenging. Get opinions on the j...nd feedback about your plans to get there. However, follow up on these opinions with you...


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        Quote of the Day

        "Time Flies Over, but Leaves its Shadows Behind"