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2 results for 'Hindu'


    • Ashok Dullu

      Ashok Dullu (@ashokdullu)

      ...My post retirement passion is Knowledge, Books, Authorship. Areas of interest is Kashmir, Cultural Legacy and its preservation & Propagation.Hinduism , Psyc...
      • Vijaykumar R Zala

        Vijaykumar R Zala (@VijayZala)

        ...uch as Research and Development, Quality Control, and Operations, and has worked with various labels such as Aquagel Chemicals Pvt Ltd (Now is now Hindustan Unile...

        About me: ...uch as Research and Development, Quality Control, and Operations, and has worked with various labels such as Aquagel Chemicals Pvt Ltd (Now is now Hindus...


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      Quote of the Day

      "Time Flies Over, but Leaves its Shadows Behind"