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Marketing Terminologies

    Raman Kumar

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    1. Marketing: Marketing informs your customers about the products and services you are offering them. through marketing, the customers get to know about the value of the products, their usages and additional info that might be helpful to the customers. it creates awareness and make the business standout.
    2. Digital marketing: it is the component of marketing that utilizes internet and online based digital technologies such as desktop computers, mobile phones and other digital media and platform to promote the products and services.
    3. Advertising: Promoting a product, service or business and putting it out there in the world through paid broadcasting either by print or digital means.
    4. Blogging: small and large corporation write article, commentaries, and the like, publishing regularly on their website. A primary components of the inbound marketing method, bloggings help to drive website traffic, builds thought leadership and authority, and drives lead.
    5. Churn: the percentage of customers who cancel the product or services or leave within the specified time periods.
    6. content: information created to inform, educate or influence a specific audience. content may be released in the form of text , image, video or audio etc.
    7. Direct competition: competitors that provide exact same services as your establishment or firm.
    8. Direct marketing: dealing directly with the end users rather than third party or a middle man. Also can be seen as directly communicating with your primary target audience. can come into a form of advertising, marketing and communication.
    9. Email marketing: promoting your product and services by engaging with your audience via mail.
    10. Cold Calling: Approaching prospective clients either by phone or face-to-face but without having ever had any interaction with them before. This is done to reach as many prospective clients, pitching them particular product or service and closing a deal.
    11. Customer Loyalty: When a person really likes a product or service, he/she becomes a repeat buyer of your product, service or brand.
    12. Business-to-Business (B2B): A business which markets and sells its products or services to other businesses.
    13. Business-to-Consumer (B2C): A business which markets and sells its products or services to consumers.
    14. Brand positioning: it is the way you differentiate yourself from your competitor and how consumers identify and connect with your brand. its comprised of the key qualities and values that are synonymous with your company. it can be conveyed through a variety of means including tone and voice ,visual design and the way your company represents itself in person and on social media.
    15. Brand awareness: it is the extent which people are able to recall and recognize your has two components :brand recall, which is a measure of how well a brand name is connected to product class.& brand recognition ,which is a when consumer recognizes a brand by its attribute.
    16. Lead nurturing: It is the process of educating and building trust with your prospects in order to guide them through the buyers journey. the ultimate goal of lead nurturing is to provide your prospects with a unique experience that keeps them coming back for more-and eventually converts them into customers.
    17. Word of mouth marketing: it is a written or oral advocacy of a good or services from a satisfied customers to a prospective customer. its widely consider to be the most effective form of promotion.
    18. Customer relationship marketing: its a sales acceleration tool that identifies business insights and analytics its comprehensive and easily accessible that houses the sales process.
    19. Growth marketing: it is the process of designing and conducting experiments to optimize and improve the result of a target area. if you have a certain metric you want to increase, growth marketing is a method you can utilize to achieve that.
    20. Forecasting: Predicting marketing and sales trends which are likely to occur in near future. It is based on some historical, quantitative and qualitative data and always predicted in a certain time period frame called forecasted period.
    21. Marketing Automation: Automating the marketing campaigns with the help of some tools which can send the right marketing messages to the right people at the right time and this can happen through lead-nurturing, Behaviour based strategies and more with marketing automation.
    22. marketing operations: it is everything that happens in your marketing automation and CRM platforms enable the delivery of the right message at right time to people who are interested in your product and services.
    23. Sales operations: It is everything that happens in your CRM and sales acceleration  platform to enable your sales team to communicate effectively with clients and control their sales process.
    24. Service operations: It includes management of all the workflows, tools and processes and required to maintain and improve the overall customer experience.
    25. Customer retention: It is the act of renewing your existing customers so they continue to work with your company.
    26. Customer satisfaction: it is the management of client sentiments, when tracking this you should look not only how your main points of contact feels about your product or services but also how that sentiment trickles down to rest of the company.
    27. Market development: the act of taking an existing of product or services to a new market.
    28. Market penetration: A strategy used to sell more of an existing product within the current markets it is being sold.
    29. Market research: high intelligence research and development of a specific industry for the betterment of sound business decision.
    30. Offer: this is an asset  that you will offer prospects on a landing page. the offer is designed to help you generate leads, and they can lead everything from webinar, ebook, checklist, template, demo or more.
    31. Niche market: A very specific segment of a market in which you are trying to meet the needs of that market.
    32. Market based pricing: similar to competitive based pricing in the sense that this type of pricing is based off of the current pricing for specific product or service within the same industry.
    33. Margin: The profit gained from a product or services after all expenses for selling that product or services are covered.
    34. Geographic segmentation: segmenting a group of audiences based on where they live or where they are located.
    35. Inbound marketing: A form of marketing focused on creating content that naturally draws target audiences into company website by earning trust and providing value to those specific audiences.
    36. Distribution plan: A mapped out strategy and process for sharing a particular piece of content or promo item.
    37. Brick and Mortar: Businesses that has a physical store instead or in addition to an online store or e-commerce website.


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