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How to Get a Job That You Want?

    Mikhail Agapov
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    In this economy, more and more people are settling for jobs they dislike, or flat-out despise. The secret is that you do not have to, regardless of your qualifications. Everybody deserves to have a job that fits their lifestyle and one they enjoy doing.

    Think about what you are good at.
    Usually, the things we love are the things we are good at. Research the fields and options that best deal with those interests so you can spend your time at work doing things that you enjoy. To begin, you can start off by simply researching job titles online or you can search for keywords of things you enjoy to find jobs that integrate those things.

    • Consider your current hobbies and how you can apply them to a job.
    • Think about your past work experience and the things you liked and didn't like about them.
    • Consider working with a career coach at a local university if you are a student. This will help you to figure out what you are good at.

    Talk to people who work in a variety of jobs.
    This will give you a better sense of what certain jobs entail. Many communities offer job fairs that can be found on your local city website. These are great opportunities to ask questions. You can ask friends or family members about their experiences too.

    • Ask about the hours they work, the highlights of their job, and what they find to be most challenging.
    • Get opinions on the jobs you are considering and feedback about your plans to get there. However, follow up on these opinions with your own research. Someone who is dissatisfied with their job may not provide an accurate picture of what it is really like.

    Spend time job shadowing.
    Job shadowing is a career evaluation activity that allows you the chance to spend time with a professional currently working in a particular career field. You can see what it is really like working in a certain job.

    • Check with the local college to see if they offer a formal job shadowing program through their Career Services Office. Career counselors can also be a huge help in assisting you to find potential job shadowing opportunities.
    • Government agencies also offer job shadowing programs for students who are interested.

    Take a career personality test.
    There are many free tests on the web that will psychoanalyze your mind to help narrow down interesting jobs for you. These tests are designed to provide you with specific jobs that fit your unique interests and ultimately help you down a career path. You may even see jobs you didn't know existed be recommended to you.

    Think about the lifestyle that is important to you.
    If you see yourself having a more lavish lifestyle, or one filled with travel, you may want to seek out a higher paying job. Look at the salary and wage averages for the jobs you are considering to decide if they will provide you the type of lifestyle you are looking for.

    • Also, consider if you want a family and will be raising kids. Some jobs require more than 40 hours of work per week and this is something to consider with a family.
    • Keep in mind that you might be happier in a job that pays less than what you are making now. Consider looking into careers that you would enjoy versus careers that would earn you a large paycheck.


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