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Benefits of Litchi Extract on Skin and Hair


Litchi extract is extracted from Litchi chinensis. Litchis have great nutritional importance. They are incredibly vibrant in vitamin C, including about 71.5 mg per 100 grams. They are also prosperous in copper and phosphorus. What compels litchis is unique is that they comprise the polyphenol oligonol that has antioxidant and antiviral properties. The fruit is wealthy in antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory substances that conserve your skin from harm in more ways than one. The lychee fruit extract is a warehouse of numerous polyphenols such as oligonol, flavonols, catechins, and procyanidins.

Cosmetic Name (INCI): Litchi Chinensis extract.

Benefits of litchi extract for skin
1) Improves Skin Texture: An ample proportion of Vitamin A and C could be achieved from the lychee fruits which assists to deter the damage from the oxidative stress affected due to needy diet, stress, and pollution. It also decreases the dryness of the skin and curtails wrinkles.

2) Cure suntans and dark spots: The phenolic quantity in leaves of litchi fruits includes useful skin-whitening dealers. Syzygium aqueous leaf extracts are employed greatly in skincare products, as the phenolic antioxidant retains UVB-blocking proficiency.

3) Preserve from acne: Acne vulgaris is a skin situation that directs to the inflammation affected due to the skin infection. The fresh, ripe litchi fruits acquire anti-acne properties such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties, to effectively battle the microbes affecting acne and thus diminish inflammation and acne scars.

4) Treats Skin Infections: Extracts educated from the lychee fruits and juices are very effective against Staphylococcus aureus, a mutual bacterial microbial envoy that affects many skin ailments such as blisters and pustules, as well as hypersensitivity and allergies.

5) Protect from signs of aging: As you mature older, your skin commences to show the first signs of aging. Litchis, when used topically, can enable postpone their arrival.


6) Aids in removing blemishes: Blemishes are the affliction of anyone who perseveres flawless skin. Applying litchi juice can help disappear the blemishes and marks, evacuating you with clear skin.

7) Conserve from skin damage: Lychees are a tremendous basis of skin-friendly nutrients like thiamin, niacin, and copper. Thiamin helps the body in metabolizing fats and protein for decent skin. Niacin increases the hydration levels in the skin while copper, in minor amounts, enables speeds up the recovery of damaged skin.

Benefits of litchi extract for hair
1) Encourage hair growth: Enduring from scarcity of hair growth is very familiar among both men and women. Yet, for noticeable implications, it stings women the most. Litchis can be your reaction if you are glancing for a safer and reasonable possibility of market-bought treatments. It is a prosperous stream of antioxidants, which fight off the free radicals and deter them from performing any damage to our hair. Also, litchis are great in copper, which is very effective to encourage hair follicles and benefits strong hair growth. Further, all the nutrients boon in litchis nourish hair follicles and govern good hair growth.

2) Cures dull and damaged hair: If your hair is renouncing its sparkle, then it's a great time that you to encompass litchis in your hair care management. Litchis are impressive in vitamin C, which assists to bring back the normal shine of our hair. Similarly, it also includes a decent quantity of copper and iron, which are important for shiny, black hair. The antioxidant advantages of litchis conserve our hair from destruction done by free radicals. The other elements existing in litchi nourish the hair and also renovate its natural shine.

Application of litchi extract in cosmetic products
1) Anti-aging creams
2) Moisturization Lotions
3) Sun Screen
4) Face Masks
5) Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
6) Hair Masks

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