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Impact of technology over cosmetics industry

Technology has impacted the environment, people, society as a whole. In each sector, it has grabbed its position on a prior basis. And, none other than the cosmetic industry was left to get influenced by the use of technology. As technology has made easier and smoother work procedure in every sector. It didn't lack to have its craze over the cosmetic industry too. Let's get insight and see its impact!

"Beauty firm to Beauty tech"

The beauty industry is using every sort of tech to engaged its customers. They offer more personalized and precise products to retain their interest. The industry is using each way to entertain their customers with new and enhanced products i.e. from Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Augmented Reality to have a great output.

Some Tech Trends over it!

  • A new custom-made foundation has been introduced to the market and it seems to grasp its demand by its influential features. It depicts finding the exact match of your skin color to give out a natural output. In simpler terms, it is a digital scanner. The machine scans your shade and then, data is been transferred to the computer to know the exact shade.
  • Launch virtual apps to know what suits best to your skin. This app lets you try thousand of shades and find out the most suitable makeup for your face. This app first depicts your lip line to the eye and then it targets your facial points and edges. To some extent, it acts as a tutor who teaches you up to have the best output.
  • Skincare tools launched by the make-up industry. Tools are used to rate your skin. It enables you to know about the quality of your skin. By using this feature, you can have a regular check for your skin and maintain it as per your requirement.
  • During the period of the Covid - 19, the popularity of 3D makeup has boosted up the market. It is about to, not wearing the makeup in actuality but in a digital sense. The introduction of AI filter of SnapChats, B612, and many other selfie apps. It enables you to download makeup outlandish and wear it as per your suitability and enhance your beauty digitally. Basically, its goal was to have a tremendous rise over likes on photos and videos. 

It seems to increase much more in the nearby future.

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