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Scalp Diseases

Scalp Diseases

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Many people experience some skin disease of the scalp. Most scalp conditions cause hair fall or hair thinning or hair break out or may slow growth. It may happen due to hereditary, malnutrition, scalp infections. Treatment depends on the cause of the scalp problem. Dandruff is a common cause of skin itching, peeling, or hair falling. It also makes you feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.

Hair and scalp problems are upsetting but not caused by serious medical conditions. You can treat them at home or contact dermatologists for better treatment.

Hair loss

Hair loss includes falling, thinning, and breaking. It is the most common issue of the scalp that most face. Losing 50 to 100 hairs per day is considered to be normal.

Hair thinning is also a sign of aging. Hair gradually thins with age. Although, all people are affected at the same level. Hereditary is the most common cause for thinning or balding hair. You may inherit this from your mother's or father's side family. Women with traits develop thinning hair while men may become completely bald. This problem can start in the teens, 20s, or 30s, 40s.

Babies often lose their fine hair that is later replaced by mature hair. Women often experience falling hair due to hormonal changes during childbirth and breastfeeding. These may be common causes of hair loss or hair thinning among women.

Other possible causes for excessive hair fall, thinning, breakages includes:

  • Hair Care products that you use can also damage your hair or your face hair fall and breakage. Haircare products like hair dyes, perming, hot rollers, coloring, straightening, styling, hair curling, and hair dryers ain't good for your hair, so you must limit using these products for hair health and growth.
  • Hair pulling, twisting habits makes hair root weak, resulting in hair fall. Trichotillomania is a mental health problem in which a person pulls out his or her own hair, usually from the head, eyelashes, and eyebrows. Also, avoid making tight ponytails or locking hair.
  • Adverse effects and medicines and medical treatment such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, etc.
  • Recent surgery, high fever, and emotional stress can also lead to hair loss. You can have a lot of hair loss 4 weeks to 3 months after severe physical or emotional stress. This kind of hair loss usually stops within a few months and may regrow again.
  • Diseases like lupus and hyperthyroidism.
  • Heavy metal poisoning can cause this condition.
  • Poor diet, malnutrition, especially lacking protein and iron in your diet.
  • Damage of hair shafts because of burns and injuries.

Itching, flaking, or crusting of the scalp

Itching, flaking, or crusting of the scalp may be caused by:

Cradle cap - An oily and yellowish crusting on the baby's scalp. It is commonly seen in babies and it is not an illness condition. It also does not mean the baby is not being well cared for.

Dandruff- A shedding of skin on the scalp that leaves white and yellowish flakes on your head and shoulder and makes you uncomfortable. It may be a form of a skin condition called eczema. Which causes increased shedding of normal skin scalp. Dandruff may also occur due to fungal infections. Dandruff becomes worse due to hormonal and seasonal changes.

Sores, blisters, or bumps on the scalp

  • Infection on hair shafts (folliculitis) or skin (impetigo).
  • An allergic reaction (contact dermatitis).
  • Viral infections such as chickenpox and shingles.
  • A skin condition, such as acne.
  • A cyst, such as an epidermal cyst.

Skin Cancer can happen on the scalp, particularly in parts not well-covered by hair. It can damage skin cells and tissues and, in some cases, spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body. Skin cancer may appear as a growth or mole, a turn into growth or mole, a sore that does not heal, or irritation of the skin.



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