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What are various Benefits of having Apples? Are there any health risks associated with having apples?

General Serving Size: 1 medium apple (5 oz or 142 g)

How Apples may hurt?

  • Pesticide residues

  • Bacterial Infections

  • Allergies

What do they heal?

  • Alzheimer's disease

  • Colon cancer

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Weight gain

  • Blood Sugar Swings

  • Heart Disease

  • High Cholesterol

  • Teeth and Gums

Apple Facts

  • Dried apples are less likely to promote cavities than other dried fruits

  • Wondering why apples don't sink during bobbing competitions? A quarter of Apple's volume is air!

Health Benefits

  • Prevents Alzheimer's disease: Apples contain a powerful antioxidant called quercetin, which protects brain cells from degeneration in mice and can even in humans. Be sure to eat the skin, as it is especially rich in anti-inflammatory compounds.

  • Prevents colon cancer: According to recent research from Germany, when the natural fibers in apples are fermented in the colon, it produces chemicals that fight against the formation of cancer cells. Other studies have shown that apples contain a type of antioxidant called procyanidins, which trigger a series of cell signals leading to the death of cancer cells.

  • Prevents high blood pressure: According to a recent dietary database analysis, apples are 37% less likely to cause high blood pressure in adults.

  • Help keep you lean: They are full of fiber and water, so your belly will be shorter. Also, studies from the state of Washington and Brazil have shown that people who eat at least three apples or pears a day lose weight.

  • Balances your blood sugar: Do you want to keep your blood sugar the same? Note the adage of eating an apple to keep the doctor away. Apples are high in soluble fiber, which slows down the digestion of food and allows glucose to enter the bloodstream. A team of researchers found that women who ate at least one apple a day were 28% less likely to develop diabetes.

  • Helps prevent heart disease: Fresh apple is a perfect snack. Apples are rich in flavonoids and antioxidants, which can help prevent heart disease - if you eat the skin.

  • Fights high cholesterol: Apples are low in calories and high in soluble fiber pectin, which helps lower LDL blood cholesterol levels, which can damage the arteries.

  • Promotes dental hygiene: Apples have long been known as nature's toothbrush; Although they do not clean the teeth, biting and chewing the apple stimulates the gums, and the sweetening of the apples increases the flow of saliva, which reduces tooth decay by reducing the levels of bacteria in the mouth.

Health Hazards

  • Pesticides: Apple trees thrive in very temperate climates, but since they are sensitive to insects, scales, and other insects, they are usually sprayed several times with pesticides. Apples should always be washed carefully before eating; Some experts even suggest peeling them off, especially if they are waxed. Wax is not a problem, but it can prevent pesticide residues from washing away.

  • Bacterial and other infections: Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Cryptosporidium can cause serious illness in people who consume unpasteurized apple juice or apple cider. Although the risk of illness from these products is low, children, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems are more likely to be attracted and should be careful when drinking pasteurized juice or cider. Most juices you buy at grocery stores are pasteurized (check the label), but be careful when you buy a drink at roadside stands, country fairs, or local gardens.


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