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How to Remove Skin Tags?

How to Remove Skin Tags?

Got skin tags? Want to remove them yourself? If yes, you can try some techniques by yourself at home and get rid of them. Skin tags do not look good on your skin; they make your skin flawed. Skin tags can hurt and bother you, so obviously, you opt to remove them.

Skin tags are nothing but painless, noncancerous growths on the skin. They are connected to your skin by a small, thin stalk called a peduncle. Skin tags are common in both men and women after the age of 50. They are seen anywhere in your body, especially where your skin folds’ like 

  • Armpits
  • Groin
  • Thighs
  • Eyelids
  • Neck
  • Under your breasts area

These growths are loose collagen fibers that become lodged inside thicker areas of the skin.

The exact cause of skin tags is unclear but they may develop from friction or skin rubbing against skin.

How to remove skin tags by home remedies?

You can remove them effectively with some home removal techniques but check with a doctor before using this:

Tea Tree Oil:
It is an essential oil that is used to treat many skin conditions. This oil can help to remove skin tags. To apply this, you take a few drops of the oil to a cotton ball that is affixed to the skin tag with a bandage, and leave the cotton ball on the skin tag for 10 minutes, three times a day. It may take many days or weeks for the tag to remove.

If you have sensitive skin and irritants with tea tree oil, then don't use it.

Apple cider vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar can also help to remove skin tags. Who want to try apple cider vinegar to clear skin tags use often soak a cotton ball in the vinegar and affix it to the tag with a bandage for 10 minutes, two or three times a day until the tag falls away.

However, you need to see the skin irritation and stop using it if any signs of a reaction occur, stop using.

Liquid iodine can be used to remove the skin tags. People who want to try should first protect the skin surrounding the tag by applying petroleum jelly or coconut oil to it. Then, soak a Q-tip in iodine and spread the liquid across the tag. Cover the area with a bandage until the iodine has dried.

Repeat this treatment twice a day until the tag drops off.

Avoid trying home removal techniques on skin tags that are:

  • Located around the eyes
  • Located around the genitals
  • Very large or long
  • Causing pain, bleeding, or itching

Take help of medical treatment in these cases

1. Morrison, M. D., W. (2018, September 17). How are skin tags removed? Retrieved from

2. Poudrier, m. Can I freeze skin tags at home? Retrieved from

3. Shannon, C. Can You remove the skin tag Yourself? Retrieved from


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