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How to access the Deep Web?

Understand what Deep Web Data is

turned on gray laptop computer

Deep web data is any online information, which is not indexed by a search engine (e.g., Google, Yahoo, duckduckgo, or bing, etc). This means that Deep Web information must be found by opening its source and searching for it there rather than by doing a quick Google Search.

  • Common examples of the Deep Web in everyday life include things like University library archives, results found within travel sites, and so on.
  • Deep Web data usually isn't legal and is often linked to things like reputable research and library sources.
  • The Deep Web is radically different than the Dark Web, which is often used to conduct the illicit or anonymous activity.

Understand how search engines find results

Google logo screengrab

When you search for a word or phrase in a search engine like Google, the search engine "crawls" through the internet to find surface-level results.

  • Since Deep Web content is never part of this surface layer, you can't find Deep Web Content by using a traditional search engine.

Use Website's dedicated search engine

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Many websites have search engines built into them; these search engines are necessary in order to find results not listed on the surface web.

  • An example of this is Facebook's built-in search engine. You can use Facebook's search bar to find users, pages, and other items that you can't find with Google or similar.
  • Another example includes the search bar found on academic research websites or archives. Again, these resources often aren't discoverable without the aid of the related search bar.

Sign Up for the Deep Web Content

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Most of the content on deep web is behind firewalls, therefore, if you want to access it, you should first log in to the website that you want to access. For Example, there can be data about your grades or your employment details with some organization on their website.

You can access those details by simply logging in and accessing the data.

Accessing the Dark Web

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The Dark Web refers to a sliver of Deep Web data that is impossible to access without special software and links. Unlike most Deep Web data, information found on the Dark Web is usually comprised of broken links, dead websites, and other useless information. 

  • Much of the Dark Web's purpose is to provide anonymity to journalists, political dissidents, whistleblowers, and the like.

Understand the Risks

Matrix movie still

While the Dark Web is mostly harmless if you aren't actively trying to get into trouble, the fact remains that the Dark Web's function is largely used for criminal activity. On the flip side, the legal parts of the Dark Web are fairly plain.

  • Essentially, if you aren't attempting to get into illegal sites, you will see a lot of broken links and slow load times for normal sites.
  • If you are trying to access illegal content, doing so is much more like to result in you getting caught rather than actually finding the content itself.
  • While most Dark Web horror movies are nothing more than a campfire, you should refrain from contacting anyone or downloading items from the Dark Web.

Avoid using windows to access the Dark Web

black laptop computer keyboard in closeup photo

While more secure than in past renditions, Windows 10 still contains security flaws that make it exceptionally vulnerable to hacking or virus attempts while browsing the Deep Web.

  • Linux is strongly recommended for people who plan on using the Dark Web, with tails being a common option.
  • You could use a virtual machine instead of booting Tails from a USB or optical drive.
  • If you are on a Mac, you should be fine as long as you use a VPN and Tor.

Take basic precautions before accessing the Dark Web


There are a couple of basic things that you should do in order to prevent unpleasant encounters on the Dark Web:

  • Cover your computer's webcam, or unplug it if you can.
  • If you are using a wifi connection, password-protect it if you haven't yet done so.
  • It would be even better to use a wired connection.

A bit about Tor Browser

person using magnifying glass enlarging the appearance of his nose and sunglasses

Tor stands for "The Onion Router". As per my knowledge after going through several online contents, TOR was created by CIA (please check as I am not 100% sure). This was basically created to help mask the interaction between secret agents across the world. They made it public because when several people will use it then it will become almost impossible to find out the person in the ocean of several users.

Although this was intended for providing secrecy to special agents, it has become a place where several people are doing some illegal work as well.

Police agencies across the world have started catching people who are involved in any such business. 

TOR is best used when people use it for whistleblowing or by journalists. So, you can use it but be aware that you are not 100% anonymous. Well, everything that is connected to the internet is not 100% unhackable.


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"Time Flies Over, but Leaves its Shadows Behind"