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Morning Song

The Year is at the Spring, &
The day is at the Morn

Morning is at Seven, &
Hill-Side is Dew Pearled

The Lark is on the Wing, &
Snail is on the Thorn

All is Right with the World,
When God is in Heaven

This is a simple poem but has real deep meaning. Each day we struggle with several things and then we feel as if we are alone.

We forget the fact that God is always there to help us in all our situations.

We should always be confident and pursue each and every task provided to us with great enthusiasm because God has the best thing in store for us.

In this Pandemic, we all are together and we all need to be together. Even a small help by anyone of us can be of the great purpose to someone else. We all are God's Messenger and you never know whose help God wants to do through you.

So, always be happy and keep on helping each other. Look your right and left, someone from your family may need your guidance or assistance.

If each one of us takes this responsibility of taking care of the person that is sitting next to us, no one in this world is without help. 

Remember, Happiness always increases by sharing.


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