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Why does life becomes tough as we grow up?

As a human, you would have observed that life keeps changing at every stage.

There was a time when you were young and innocent and suddenly today no amount of honesty and innocence will help you out if someone wants to do something harmful to you.

It's pretty complex to see yourself as a victim suddenly because your whole childhood revolves around a fake sense of security that parents provide, and when you are out on your own in society, everything changes.

As we grow up, we start hearing incidents when there are major accidents. You are suddenly exposed to the world of crime and injustice. A place where office politics wins and honesty is always looked down upon. 

You come face to face with situations where you see people with power encroaching rights of people that are powerless. 

There are also people who might look poor, and you may have pity on them, but usually they are always trying to get more out of you.

Let me give you some examples;

  1. You would see that if there is a situation where a poor person shouts at a rich person, even though the rich person hasn't done anything, still people will assume that the rich person is wrong, and if by mistake the rich person also raises voice against the injustice, then he is looked down upon.

    Now let me tell you why it happens. This happens because the poor is not really poor. He earns more than the rich person on a daily basis, but because he may have some habits that cost more, he ends up spending more on those habits rather than building something substantial, and on the other hand because the rich person looks rich, he is always looked down upon and expected to pay or do good deeds, even though he has already worked hard on his or her own success. But no one cares!
  2. People won't listen if someone reports you to authorities. Even authorities won't believe you, because as per other person you are wrong, and you will have to fight the case without even wanting to do so.
  3. People want to take as much as possible. I will give you one simple example; Have you ever outsourced any work to any labor or contractor? Most likely they will ask a sum of money and then start the work. And when the work is over, they will ask even for tips. Even though you don't have anything left for your children's or your family, still you will have to pay for their tips because they usually are arrogant, and insulting.

    Now many people may say that if you are earning, you should pay small amounts to others.

    But they won't stop for tips. Their tips go into 4 digit figures every single time, and we have to pay them even if we don't have anything left, or even if we have saved it for our future days or rest of the month. And then we have to ask for money to out families and friends, who may also be facing similar situations.
  4. Big organizations have made market empathy less. I remember going out for buying some expensive things for my family, and when we reached to shops, there are only workers and salaried employees sitting. They behave as if they don't care about customers.

    I bet, if the owner would have been there, he would have cared for the customers because he knows how difficult to make money these days and why every customer is important. 

    But when we go to shops, we are treated as if we are the vendors and the shop owners are our clients. The wheel has already started to spin in reverse direction.

These were just basic examples, I have heard about people getting beaten up in offices and then cases have been on them itself. I have seen companies firing employees and those who have worked for more than 30 years. Those old men are good for nothing for the job market right now, and they talk about employee loyalty.

I used to pay extra everytime whenever anyone would ask me some money or someone will resolve some issue, I used to reward them, until I realised, when I required money for real, and I didn't had even a penny in my pocket, then how they behaved.

Things like these makes every one sad, and it makes me too, because money has become one of the most important things in life.

Banks can easily exploit their customers, and still they operate only from 10 AM to 4 PM.

The come wagging tail to start savings account wth them when someone joins an organization, and when they leave the organization or if their organization is not paying them every month, then they are charged with minimum balance amounts, Debit card Charges and what not.

Common man is even charged for keeping his or her money in bank accounts and this is because one can't keep his or her money in cash also, or else, you will 100% be charged with Tax Evasion.

But still some powerful people that are good with business and personal skills get rid of these issues.

I have seen super powerful people driving their cars at 100km/h on roads that have 40km/h as limit, and still they never get arrested or even they don't have to pay fines.

A common man who drives at 60km/h on a road with 40km/h becomes target of policing and is charged hefty fines.

And this is the start of what I wanted to say ...

Think about children around the world, or families in war struck zones. They are dying every single day while you and I are sitting in our comfy chairs and reading this article.

There are people around the world that will not eat tonight.

Things like these force us to think if we are really of any value in this world. This world will be normal even if you and I are not here. This world is not even going to feel anything. There is already enough suffering around the world, and our false hope that we grow up with shatters when we grow.

Cousins stop talking ... Relations start breaking ... Friendships disappear

All the promises disappear and you see the world changing around you. There are times when you want to share your success stories, but there is no one around.

It reminds me of a story of a King, who fought several battles, but lost all his relatives and people that he knew closely. Even though he won the throne, he was all alone.

So is life for most of us in this world. Although we have earned a lot and are living a happy life outside, still inside we know what precious things we have lost and how vulnerable we are.

Still we will continue this vicious circle, until our offsprings feel secure as we keep on fighting with this world. Then the day will come when you will have to let your kids face the world and fight for themselves, because you cannot be a shield forever.

Life changes ... Situations Change ... and then there are PEOPLE ... that can't forget their PAST & keep on knocking the old doors that may never open again.

Let's do a reality check, you can never become kid again, the only way out is living life and taking all the steps carefully.

There are several life lessons that I had learned from my friends, families and unknown people as well. Here are some of them;

  1. People talk according to size. Size can be your body or your deep pockets as well.
  2. If life is unfair to you and life is unfair to me, that means that life is fair to everyone.
  3. Don't lose calmness. Be like water and not coke. Even if shaken, you should not mess everything up.
  4. Don't interfere in other's life. You never jump in a pond filled up with mud to clean it. You will definitely will get messed up for some time.
  5. Cardio. Run away from people - Don't just trust everyone.
  6. When in doubt, know your way out. Because you never know when you may require the emergency exit.
  7. Don't be a here. Hero's usually die in real life.
  8. Bounty Tissue Papers. This is important for the ones who understand. You never know when you might need one.
  9. Check back seats. You never know who is behind. So always check back seats.
  10. Fasten Seatbelts. People are driving like crazy - similar to zombies on wheels, so it is better to fasten your seat belts everytime you hop in your car.
  11. Limber Up. You never know when you will need your health. So it is always better to exercise and work hard on your physique. Because this is one thing that is for sure going to save a lot of money.
  12. Be happy with small things. Do I need to even explain it?



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