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Can I make Money Writing on thewiki Network?

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Yes, you can make money using thewiki Network. It is one of the few blogging platforms on the internet where you can quickly sign up, post your awesome content, and get paid for the same. You don't actually need a set area of expertise and you also don't need to do affiliate marketing (although you can if you want to) and it is totally advertisement-free as well.

On top of it, you can also create your own brand, as it provides an area to describe what you do and what you are passionate about, unlike many blogging websites, which serve your content as their own.

When I started thewiki Network, I did so to provide content creators a platform, where they can get proper recognition of the work that they are doing and also get rewarded for what they are doing.

What is thewiki Network?

For those unfamiliar with the website, thewiki Network is like the YouTube of writing. Much like YouTube, you will have to join thewiki Partner Program by Clicking on this Linkand you start earning money when other paying members like your blogs or articles.

Reading is always good

book near eyeglasses and cappuccino

thewiki Network is also a huge site full of hundreds of stories, articles, poems, and comics with several readers. Many people simply sign up with the intent of reading great content from several writers. So whether you are an avid reader on a massively wide variety of subjects, or if you want to try the art of content writing yourself - thewiki Network is the place to be.

How to make money writing on thewiki Network?
People can make incredible amounts here. Right now maximum is 1000 INR per blog post, and thewiki Team is thinking to increase this threshold after testing the same first. So, if you have written 100 articles in 2 months, and have received 1000 likes per article, you will be receiving 1,00,000 in 2 months.

For you to make a lot or a little, it depends on how much effort you put in (as with everything in life).

I'll start by having you ask yourself a few questions first:

  1. Is your goal to make a full-time living?
  2. Is your goal to make some extra coffee money every month?
  3. Are you here just to explore the hobby of writing?

The above three questions are very important to set your expectations right.

For Example, if you want it to be a full-time living, then you need to treat it as a full-time job! Or at least part-time, with a minimum of 20 hours a week. The hardest and most rewarding part of this is to be consistent over a long period - expect to achieve large success only after 12 to 18 months.

Time + Consistency + Quality = Success on thewiki Network

For those who are looking for a few bucks, the task is much easier. Try to write a few articles a week and focus more on what you are passionate about. This will help you in making sure that you don't run out of topics. So, when you start writing, you will start building your brand and hence you will get likes as well. As soon as you have 100 Points, you will receive 100 INR in your bank account.

Lastly, if you are here as part of taking content creation as your hobby, then start writing. Your blogs are always treated in a FIFO manner and hence will be displayed on the first page every time, you publish anything new. And the more like some get, the more time it is on the front page, hence more chances of monetizing the same.



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