Why do some people have two birthdays in a year?
Why do some people have two birthdays in a year?Rate:

Why do some people have two birthdays in a year?
Tags: Birthdays, Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir

Wouldn't it be amazing if you could celebrate 2 (two) birthdays in a year? This is something that many people around the world experience since not many people are aware of the same. Let me take you through my life which includes having two birthday celebrations in a year.

Why do people celebrate two (2) birthdays in a year?
Although several people celebrate their birthdays once a year, some people have 2 birthdays in a year, and the only reason behind that is because of the calendar that they follow.

People with one birthday per year, usually follow only one calendar, which is the Western calendar, according to which the current year is 2024 and a year has 12 months ranging from Jan to Dec.

But those having two birthdays follow 2 calendars. One is the Western calendar because they have to work in the office and deal with everyday things, and the second one is the Kashmiri Calendar according to which we are living in the year 5000+.

Now, the dates for our Birthdays also differ according to the months, so if my birthday comes on 28th May as per the Western calendar, it will also come around 13th June this year but may change next year.

The reason for that is because it is based on lunar position, and the way astrologers have marked lunar orbits, they can predict which month it is going to be and when a person's birthday is going to be.

So, if you share your birthday as per the Western calendar, any Kashmiri Astrologer will be able to chart down your birthday as per the lunar calendar.

Do people celebrate two birthdays?
Yes, at least the Kashmiri people do. 

When we talk about birthdays, our Kashmiri Birthday is more important and auspicious, when we also perform some religious rituals and then eat the food, until then it's our fast, and during lunch we have;

This is the bare basics of what is cooked and then after everyone has eaten lunch, they are also given Sheer Chai, which is Pink Colored Salted Tea, that tastes yummy.

Having said that, celebrating two birthdays is one of the great feelings. Not only you can enjoy your birthday twice, but people also get two times when they can make you feel special in a year.

Many people usually cut cakes on their English Birthday, and on Kashmiri Birthday they spend time with their family and friends and enjoy delicious Kashmiri Dishes.

Can you celebrate two birthdays in a year?
Yes, why not?

You can also celebrate two birthdays in a year and enjoy this beautiful and special day twice a year. You can even surprize your family and friends by celebrating their birthdays twice.

Just connect with some Kashmiri Astrologer and provide your date of birth, and they will be able to trace back your birthday as per the Kashmiri Calendar and you will be able to celebrate the same that year.

This is an amazing feeling, as you get to connect with the roots of humanity and experience your actual presence which goes back to 5000+ years. And this is something that we really connect to, so I surely believe that you will also love the fact that you are part of a community that is in real terms "ancient", and you will also feel the power and happiness of celebrating your special days with your loved ones.

To make it further simple, drop your Date Of Birth in the comment section that pops up at the end, and I will reply back with your Kashmiri Birthdays in this year, so that you can celebrate your birthdays this year.

I will send out you an email every year with your Kashmiri Birthdays, and you can celebrate the same with your family and friends. This will give you additional excuse to celebrate your special day and even for your loved ones.

Because why not?

We should find ways to celebrate as many days as possible and this can be one of the reasons to do the same.

Author: Mithlesh
Why do some people have two birthdays in a year?
sayalk: My son’s birth date is on 30th aug 2020. When will his Kashmiri bday be in 2024

Mithlesh: Suklapaksh Dwadashi, so that means this year birthday will be on 15th sept 2024

Rahul: It should be 11th Aug 2024