Share your story with the world without any bias
Share your story with the world without any biasRate:

Share your story with the world without any bias
Tags: Blog

thewiki Yekjah is a platform for people around the world to connect and share information and stories. Content shared on this platform is accessible to everyone without any filters like other big Social Networks usually have.

For several years, it has been observed that there isn't a platform that caters to the greater truth of the world. Many platforms have come and gone, but no one has been able to provide a service that is unbiased and without any filters.

We believe, that although moderation is important people should be given a chance to express themselves, and this can only be achieved if they are given the freedom to write what they want to write without the fear of being judged.

Plus, social networks these days have created filters based on geography and demography of users, because of which not every content is available to everyone around the world, and connecting with people around the world has become a problem these days.

Gone are the days when people were able to send each other friend requests, now no one wants to do that, and one of the reasons is that social networks have restricted users in virtual boundaries, and toxic content is shared everywhere. 

Advertisements these days have become so prominent, that it has become difficult to distinguish from actual posts that our family and friends would have shared. 

Daily, I am these days seeing more suggested content and not what I signed up for. I wanted to connect with friends and family on Facebook, but these days my feeds are filled up with posts that are irrelevant and are just promoted with paid ads.

Search Queries
Search Engines have also started violating the copyright act and have started sharing information using Generative AI by modifying the Blogs and articles written by various authors on their websites, because of which traffic to those websites has significantly reduced.

Only giving references to those websites won't work because search engines like Google have started providing all the answers to the users on its search result page.

This is sad that we now cannot connect to our readers anymore, because our readers get their queries resolved from the Gen AI itself and they don't have to visit websites anymore for information about a particular topic that they are searching for.

To tackle these issues I believe we should have a centralized platform where things are not managed by algorithms and where people come to read ideas of other people and experts in general.

For example, on thewiki Yekjah, you can write and read articles by people around the world and for this they also can rate each other or contribute to various articles, having said that, it makes more sense for people to come and read articles written by humans rather than AI because they can connect to humans on an individual level.

One of the biggest issues in speaking up is that there is always someone more powerful than us, who can make us shut up by using their power, so it becomes the responsibility of free media and social networks to allow people to post against injustice happening around the world.

Most of the time these whistleblowers are not able to find a platform where they can write about the injustice in society or an organization.

Having a platform that allows free speech is the necessity of this world and this can only be done when people are allowed to hide their identity as per their wish.

Although not everything is correct in this world, by allowing people to speak and share their view points, I believe the world can be made a better place because then people can be allowed to make their minds and they will also be able to keep media platforms in check.

Now this doesn't means that people start cursing each other, but at least they should have a platform where they can share their thoughts and their view points without a fear of getting judged, or banned.

In the end, I would like to say that, "If you don't Stand for Something. You'll fall for Anything".

So gear up, and start writing your first article on thewiki Yekjah and get heard today.

Author: Svetlya
Share your story with the world without any bias